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Unicorn Art Show 5


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Unicorn Art Show 5

  • Jackson Flats (Artspace) NE Minneapolis, MN US (map)

This year we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the Unicorn Art Show and all the magical creatures in the realm!!!

Once upon a time, there was a magical night when all the princes and princesses of the Twin Cities gathered round to gaze upon the majestic beauty of the Unicorn. Time has passed since that legendary eve, but the day of the Unicorn has come once again! Over 100 artists have come together in a group exhibition comprising various mediums and expressions in honor of the Great Horned One, and now, any fantastical creatures they wish to create. If you missed the previous Unicorn Art Shows due to duels, side quests, or magic curses, this is your opportunity to find renewal of purpose! The Unicorn shares its knowledge with all who seek it with a pure heart!

Earlier Event: April 5
90's Art Show! @BubblePopGallery