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About Matt Hintz

Matt is an artist from Minnesota, living in the outer suburbs surrounding Minneapolis. Living in an area dedicated to the arts has been a major help getting into the art scene.

As an emerging artist Matt was an assistant to Shane Anderson of Anderson Illustrations. They've worked on various projects and murals together. Some include: the first floor hallway of Calhoun Square in Uptown Minneapolis, a large group and charity mural for the Mall of America, and a mural with kids on their school in a small village in Thailand. 

Taking influences from other creative fields such as tattooing, graffiti, and pop culture has become a major inspiration to his work. The most recent series of his works has been miniature mixed media paintings of characters from all walks of main stream culture. All characters however, not having eyes; in a style dubbed Heart & Soulless Art.

Works of Matt's have been on display in various galleries, such as Gamut Gallery (MPLS), Bubble Pop Gallery (CA), and most recently in the Burtonesque Art Show in Houston, TX. Also avidly participating in most shows put on by The Otherworldly Arts Collective.

A new niche of selling works at comics/ sci fi /and other conventions has become a big part of Matt’s growth as an artist. Participating in : Convergence, MSP Comic Con, Galaxycon, 2D Con, Crypticon, and Nerdin Out. Anticipating on traveling to other large cons soon,

You can find more of Matt's work in the links below. Hoping to have a Patreon up soon. Give him a follow, and always support the arts!